
We provide superior, high-speed Web site hosting - an excellent choice for any business. With your Web site, you will receive 50 MB of Web space on our state-of-the-art, high-speed servers. With EZ-Net Tools™, you really get the most for your money!

We are pro-actively working to provide optimal uptime on our servers. In fact, our servers have had over 99.9% uptime for the past year!
Helping us achieve such a high percentage of uptime is Watch Dog™, a program we have developed to constantly monitor each part of the system. If a problem is detected, Watch Dog™ immediately pages key people in our organization with a description of the problem.
With Watch Dog™, complications are quickly fixed, preventing or minimizing server downtime!
The EZ-Net Tools™ system consists of a state-of-the-art technology called "clustering." This means that the system does not rely on one main computer as its server. In fact, several computers are connected together, producing a "cluster" of computers. This "cluster" of computers operates in unison as one unit. View Diagram
The use of each computer in the cluster is synchronized, providing a balance of demand on each computer in the cluster. If one server were to ever stop functioning, the balance would immediately shift to the other servers, thus maintaining optimal uptime for the system.
To insure optimal system reliability, we have installed a generator to provide power to the EZ-Net Tools™ servers. For shorter power outages, we are currently protected by a battery back-up system, which will maintain power for about four hours. Now, with the addition of the generator, power can be sustained for several additional days to provide continued service even during longer power outages.
Redundant Internet Connections
Our systems are connected to the Internet via fully redundant, multiple T1 connections. If one of our T1's goes down, another can reroute the traffic in seconds while we work on getting the connection back up. There is no interruption in performance.
Each night, we back-up your data with a tape back-up system. We suggest, however, that you also use the back-up utility in the Administrative Tools to back-up your data.
With the EZ-Net Tools™, you can create up to 10 e-mail accounts. With the e-mail account manager, you can easily add and delete e-mail accounts as you wish. If you have your own domain name, you can even have an e-mail address that looks like yourname@yourdomain.com.