
EZ-Net Tools™ consists of over 350 separately written programs, which are all integrated into one Web site solution. In other words, all of the programs work together seamlessly, and the point and click technology works throughout the entire system.
The EZ-Net Tools™ programs provide on-line resources for Web page creation, e-commerce, and Web site promotion. What's more, hosting is included!
Import Graphics
Add Text and Tables
Include Stock Graphics
Create an Event Calendar
Create a Bulletin Board/Forum
Add a Keyword Site Search
Convert into Search-Engine-Friendly HTML Code
Provide Shopping Cart and Order Buttons
Provide Quick Building Blocks - No Limiting Templates
Up to 50 MB of Web Space
10 E-mail Accounts
Domain Name Hosting
Auto Save - NO FTP!
Secure SSL Technology
3-Way Encryption
EZ-Catalog™ to Display Items for Sale
EZ-Order™ to Transact Business
Automatic or Order Retrieval Transaction Methods
EZ-Submit™ to Manage Top 10 Search Engine Marketing
EZ-Link Trader™ which will Help Generate Links to Your Site from Other Web Sites
EZ-Counter™ to Track Visits to Each Web Page
EZ-Mail List™ to Create and Send Bulk E-mails